Other countries are already using the preliminary results of SSES to change educational policies in their cities and regions. For instance, the administration of Helsinki has amended the city development strategy for 2021–2025, emphasizing the need to improve and expand the practice of developing social and emotional skills of students in educational institutions.
The results of SSES in Ukraine can also become a driving force for changes in educational policies on the state level, become a priority in the implementation of the NUS on the level of basic education, and support the durability of the reform.
In most countries, the Survey is only conducted in some regions or cities. For instance, in Finland, it takes place in the capital city of Helsinki, in Italy — in the cities of Turin and Bologna, and in Brazil — in the state of São Paulo. The research samples in other countries is an average of 75 schools and 3,000 students aged 15 years.
The organizers of SSES in Ukraine have an ambitious goal: to conduct the Survey on the national level, not just in a certain city or region.
As of today, about 450 urban and rural schools have been sampled for the Survey.
Ukraine joined SSES only in 2023: the organizers of the Survey made an exception for our country, realizing how unique and valuable the Ukrainian experience is.
Q3 2022 – Q1 2023
Q2 and Q3 2023
Q3 2023 – Q2 2024
Survey stage
Survey stage and timeline
Assessment Framework of the Survey on Social and Emotional Skills (Kankaraš and Suarez-Alvarez, 2019)
To track the level of mastery of social and emotional skills among 10-year-olds who study in the New Ukrainian School, as well as among 15-year-old students who went to school before the start of the reform.
To investigate the difference in how teachers, school leaders, and children work with social and emotional skills in different areas, including rural and urban schools, as well as in schools from different regions, including those that survived the occupation by russia.
To involve mothers and fathers (or persons who substitute for them) in the Survey to get an idea of their influence on formation of social and emotional skills and the vision of the need for these skills in the modern world.
To adapt the research tools to the reality of the russian federation’s war against Ukraine: an additional set of questions that help taking the national context into account, and psychological expertise of the questionnaires to make them as trauma sensitive as possible.
To discover the efficiency of the state programs for development of social and emotional skills based on the example of 26 schools participating in the national-level experiment on introduction of social, emotional, and ethical learning (SEE Learning).
They are informed by Daniel Goleman’s works on emotional intelligence and the best practices for social and emotional learning, and inspired by the 14th Dalai Lama’s calls for peace, understanding, empathy, and acknowledgment that planet Earth is our shared home for all human beings.
A total of 5,023 students and 425 teachers in 26 schools are testing the SEE Learning program and elective courses for grades 1–2, 3–4, 5–6, and 7–9, developed and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
educational establishment